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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bad Days

"The Baron converted to christianity for a period of forty minutes in 2004. During this tense period in his life he wished to create something that could reach out and touch people, what instead came out of his mind was what we see above. Atheist Critics have come to the conclusion that the Baron's foray into piety has only been to the detriment of his considerable natural talent. Those forty minutes, known as his 'blue period', produced two pieces of work, the one we see above and another that was commissioned as a gift to the new governor of California of the time."
- John McDonald, Da Life in the Time of Cholera
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Indeed, the Governor's piece entitled; 'Steamboat Davey' recently sold at auction in excess of $10 (PNG). It now resides in Surrey, England with a notable collector. - The Baron

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