Welcome to the Da Life Cartoons Blog. This is updated when I feel like it. Chances are you came here by accident. Enjoy the misadventures of Wiremu, David, Nathan and John. Click images for a larger view.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Free Willy


Nathan: Know Him Before You Judge Him

"Originally this is a satire/parody of the mental health adverts that plague New Zealand television. Some critics have argued that the irony that The Baron is highlighting here is that perhaps Nathan's necrophilia is indeed a mental illness, despite the somewhat conflicting interpretations, the strip is considered a classic Da Life masterpiece. "
- John McDonald, Da Life Trivia: A Century of Insight

Moon Landing


The New Kid

"The Baron originally conceived this piece as a thousand part thriller based over five years. Instead, much to the chagrin of the fans, the grand themes of life, death and back seat conception were decided within the single panel we see above."
- John McDonald, Da Life Trivia: A Century of Insight

Bad Days

"The Baron converted to christianity for a period of forty minutes in 2004. During this tense period in his life he wished to create something that could reach out and touch people, what instead came out of his mind was what we see above. Atheist Critics have come to the conclusion that the Baron's foray into piety has only been to the detriment of his considerable natural talent. Those forty minutes, known as his 'blue period', produced two pieces of work, the one we see above and another that was commissioned as a gift to the new governor of California of the time."
- John McDonald, Da Life in the Time of Cholera
* * * *
Indeed, the Governor's piece entitled; 'Steamboat Davey' recently sold at auction in excess of $10 (PNG). It now resides in Surrey, England with a notable collector. - The Baron

Aw Crap!


"Here we see another example of the character of 'Nathan' becoming the victim of the joke. When one peruses the history of Da life, the victimisation of Nathan becomes a thematic fixture throughout the plots. This cartoon is also an example of The Baron's attempt to include corporate sponsorship within his plots (here Nando's). The motivation behind this were rumoured to be a spate of bad gambling debts incurred at the Riwaka steeplechase of '89."
- John McDonald, The New Da Life Trivia Companion

Trojan Horse

Riwaka or Bust

Aro Valley


Sell Outs

"Like the Nando's strip, this work offers another glimpse into the downward slide that Da life had taken into corporate 'shill-ism'. While The Baron attempted to hide the fact with his trademark irony, it was clear to all the fans that something was rotten at Da Life HQ. While this strip devoted a full third of its content to a sanitarium, the fans voted with their feet. Da Life sales plummeted and The Baron's already chronic gambling problems were exacerbated to new extremes."
- John McDonald, The New Da Life Trivia Companion